2015年10月8日 星期四

Week4 22/9/2015

Lam Sin Yi   53901203

Week4 22/9/2015

This was the fourth lesson of having video editing.  The professor taught us about the theory of editing.  our assignment should apply the concept and idea in video cutting.  For example, we watched a video clip that a peacock's video clip and a man's video clip keep showing.  This shows that he wanted to gain authority and become a king.  If we use different animal in the clip, it will show different effect and feeling.

Also, we learnt about something of the software Premiere and photo taking, such as YC graph.  Y means brightness vs. dark.  C means saturated vs. desecrated.  In color temperature, the degree kelvin of light source which gives it a "color".  In color balance, white balance setting the source light to read as pure white.  White is not totally white, it is the mix of all color.  In color correction of a wedding photo, it gives more detail in black, but lose detail in the white.  In color grading, when we don't know what's going on in the shadow, will make us feel nervous.  That's why film making usually use blue tone in the war, but not orange or red such warm color.

In this lesson, we learnt lots of usage of camera and terms.  I will put more attention in them in my daily life.

