2015年9月24日 星期四

Week3 15/9/2015

Lam Sin Yi   53901203

Week3 15/9/2015

This was the third lesson of having video editing.  In this lesson, we mainly focus on how to use the video editing software, which is Premiere Pro CS6.  It is the first time for me to use, so it is a bit hard for me to handle to so fast. but it will be improved.

In the Premiere Pro CS6, there are many important editing tools, such as camera logs, assembly edit, rough cut, view rushes, digitize log, lock picture, fine cut, sound edit, out put, final cut, SFX, etc.  Also, in the software, it included, time code, capture, log, bins organization, frame size etc.  Cutting and trimming areas represents all cutting tools, simple effects, dissolve and speed etc.

This software, Premiere Pro CS6 is a software that are professional in video editing.  In fact, i just learnt how to use the Final Cut Pro before, so this is the good time for me to learn another video editing software.

Week2 8/9/2015

Lam Sin Yi   53901203

Week2 8/9/2015

This was the second lesson of having video editing.  In this lesson, professor taught us something about Montage Theory, and some important parts about it.  It is a new term and concept for me.  I learnt that cutting, editing and motivating are all about Montage Theory.  It has a big relationship with our editing job.

Metric, rhythmic, intellectual and tonal is the main part of Montage Theory.  Metric is when we cut on set number of frames for each shot transition.  Rhythmic represent that the speed of the cutting tools focus the movement through the frame.  Intellectual is a parallel cut.  Tonal is about is the emotional meaning of  the film or video maker have, that to design which and where to cut or form the video.

After that, the professor taught us something about camera shooting.  When we shot, we may decide how long, how big or small and how much should we shot. They are all about shot size.  It is the framing of the subject.

Although I am not a professional photo taker, I have interest in photo taking and editing.  Therefore, I will pay more attention in them.

2015年9月21日 星期一

Week1 1/9/2015

Lam Sin Yi   53901203

Week1 1/9/2015

It was the first lesson of Video editing.  It made me quite interested and excited in it because I can learn how to use different video editing program and know how to evaluate a video or film professionally.

Although it was the first lesson, professor taught us lots of new ideas about video. Firstly, there are some that I had quite strong impression.  There was an idea that, joining two shots together, they can create a third idea.  For example, two shots have different idea inside, but if you join them together, it may mean another story.  Just like, A+B=C.

Secondly, professor showed us a video that, the setting and facial expression are not the most important thing to create a video, the point is how is your video taking skills.  For example, if you shot a man looking at a baby and laugh, he is a kind man.  However, if you shot a man looking at a bikini girl, and laugh, he is a bad man.

Thirdly, in the lesson professor mentioned that there are three types of video.  They are documentary, narrative and experimental.  Documentary is about real event, and reality.  Narrative is about story and fiction.  Experimental is about individual subjection act of one person.  Experimental is a very new idea for me.  And I have great interest in it.  I think it gives the audiences a large imagination space which is very special.

Fourth, professor showed us a old movie, which is a woman killed by a man in the bathroom.  I learnt how beat, rhythm and pacing works.  For example, the video maker took the water ran away though the whole.  That means the woman was dying, life was leaving.  And the music built tension also.

Finally, professor showed us a movie called LA VIE EN ROSE.  I appreciate the flow of the movie that at the beginning the woman thinks her lover is alive but finally the film used the expression of other actors to showed that the man was died.  And the woman ran to the stage and told the world her painful story.  I think it is a fantastic movie which I would like to watch after class.

I think I have a fresh idea about this course, I hope I can learn more afterwords.